September 18, 2024
Mental Health

Let’s Normalize Women’s Kindness/Networking Efforts Not Being Taken As Flirting

Let’s Normalize Women’s Kindness/Networking Efforts Not Being Taken As Flirting

In lieu of International Women’s Day, let’s talk about the elephant in all of our rooms: women who are career driven and ambitious, and not taken seriously by men in the workplace.

Newsflash, women can be just as driven/ambitious as men. We communicate and work to make a career for ourselves. It can be frustrating, especially working in a creative field where collaboration and networking are crucial to make way. While working in that field, there are many collaboration opportunities that come along. In my experience, many of those times has ended up in men trying to turn the opportunity into a date.

In most cases when I politely decline and state that I want a business relationship and nothing more, it is understood and things can carry on. But a few of the times, I have had men tell me to go ‘rot in hell’ because I won’t give them a chance…jerk…wouldn’t want to be with you anyway!

Let’s normalize women being taken seriously professionally. Just because we are being kind and trying to connect doesn’t mean we are trying to flirt with you.

There are so many talented women that are suppressed from excelling because of the male pressure in the workplace. Let’s all throw on our ‘grown up pants’ and work on changing the world together.

xoxo, triple tea

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