September 18, 2024

Just Full Send It, It’s That Simple

Just Full Send It, It’s That Simple

The “send it” Vine by the redneck canadian inspired me to write this.

First off, people suck. Second off, “they hate you because they ain’t you”. Basic and cringy, but very true. There will always be someone in the room who has something bad to say about you, anything or anyone. It’s just inevitable. But when several people hate you for the right reasons, (like being successful/jealousy, not like cheating or being a jerk) you are probably doing something right.

In case you don’t know, I’m weird and I’m sure you are too. But do you ever ask yourself, do you really stay true to yourself and embrace the weird? It really isn’t that hard being yourself. People find that ten times more attractive than being someone you are not.

Literally look at the feature photo. I feel like most ladies my age would be like “omg no that looks so stupid please don’t post that”. Literally, my thoughts when seeing that picture for the first time was “send it”. I captured the photo on Snapchat and captioned it “on our way to your man’s hosue”, and yes, I purposely spelt house wrong on this, because I misspelled it on the snap. Did I care? Not one bit.

Now when I go out and meet people, either it be in class, a first date, or meeting a new coworker, I am (in the right contexts of course) still being weird, unique and me. Trust me, people find this sooooo attractive than just being boring. Plus when you are your true self, that is when you find your best friends. Just send it, be your true self. People who don’t like that about you aren’t worth your time anyway.

~embrace the weird and full send~

xoxo, triple tea

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