September 18, 2024
Mental Health

Best Mental Refresh: Go Up North And Unplug From Reality

Best Mental Refresh: Go Up North And Unplug From Reality

Everyone is glued to technology. We are addicts, and might get anxiety if we have no service and when we are physically away from our phones. As much as we tell ourselves that “I’m gonna stay off my phone for the day”, it is so much easier said than done.

Come in Northern Wisconsin, where there is hardly any service and having tons of outdoor things to do. Face it, if you have (or haven’t) experienced some time up north, you are really missing out on the beauties of what the North Woods has to offer.

While being outside and getting back to nature, you forget to even check social media and/or watch TV. Before you know it, you’re unplugged. The media can have its positive news, but most of the time it seems negative. Though it is good to stay informed, it is important to have your mental health in check first. Then when you head back to reality things seem more clear, relaxed, and ready to bounce back into your routine.

xoxo, triple tea

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