September 18, 2024

Ask Yourself, Are You Happy?

Ask Yourself, Are You Happy?

On a recent night out on the town, I stepped in my Uber to go to my girlfriends house. I hopped into the car and we exchanged our hellos. After I asked him to crank the air conditioner (because it was hot as sh!t) there was a pause, and then he says “So, are you happy?” I was caught off guard, but of course I answered back “Yeah!”

He responded “Yes, but would you consider yourself a happy person?” This caught me off guard even more, I can’t remember the last time a stranger asked me such a…deep question. The answer I gave was genuine; that I am thankful to have a job, a roof over my head, friends and family that have my best interest in mind, etc. He went on to tell me that many people come on rides with him that are the complete opposite. We all put on fronts, especially in uncertain circumstances (like 2020 for example, wth is going on?!) but really ask yourself, are you genuinely happy?

Just something to think about while we are all making turn-arounds from dealing with the curveballs this year has given us.

xoxo, Triple Tea

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