March 7, 2025

You Should Love When People Think Your Dreams Are Too Big

You Should Love When People Think Your Dreams Are Too Big

So when you actually achieve them, it is the biggest “up-yours” to them.

I am the queen of dreaming big. I have (since I can remember) always wanted to be a Hollywood big-shot. Even when I come back to my hometown people ask “so you aren’t in Hollywood yet?” Trust me, I’m getting there, I just want to save a good chunk of change first before I go.

For a while though, I was embarrassed to tell people about my typical “California dream” wanting to go out and write movies in Hollywood and make something of myself. Even being voted “most likely to be famous” in high school, people still dump on me for it for not being a “realistic goal”. Little do they know, it motivates me more to get there even more.

Telling people about your hopes and dreams can be really vulnerable. That is exposing your true core to someone, who may not understand where you are coming from and their response may not make sense to you, because they simply don’t understand. I still see this today with my own goals. I’ve learned that I really shouldn’t hide them from people, because the more you talk about them, the more doors they will open for you.

When I tell people that I want to be a screenwriter in Hollywood, in just a short phrase, they basically say “in your dreams”. I laugh at that. Who are you to tell that someone’s dreams aren’t attainable? People who usually tell you that are the ones that don’t have the will or motivation to do it themselves.

LOVE when people think you are crazy. LAUGH when they say you won’t make it. With the right mindset and the will you have, you will make it, and you will be the one laughing at them, and they will be the ones coming to you or bragging to their friends that they “know you”. Make them stop and stare, take their breath away with your dreams. LOVE when people think your dreams are too big, because that’s when you know they are big enough.

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