January 15, 2025

20 Reasons Why America Is The Greatest Country In The World

20 Reasons Why America Is The Greatest Country In The World

Happy Birthday, America! You made another trip around the sun. I would like to give a special thanks to those who fled British oppression way back when to find freedom in the New World we still celebrate today.

Recently, I think we can all agree that there has been a negative cloud hanging over America for some time. Inflation, political division, poor job and house market…I could go on. When you ruminate on the negative, you tend to forget the positive. In light of this Independence Day, here are 20 reasons why America is the greatest country in the world, and we should be proud to call it home.

  1. America has the largest economy in the world: with a $20.29 trillion in GDP, is rocking it.
  2. The most badass military in the world: with a whopping budget of $801 billion, I would expect so.
  3. Immigration: America is the #1 most immigrated nation in the world–we have more career opportunities, advanced technology, space, outstanding healthcare, better standard of living, and best of all…FREEDOM TO DO WHAT WE WANT.
  4. National Parks: did you know that America has 423 national parks? Some of the worlds most spectacular landmarks are in the the United States.
  5. Road Trips: road trips are uniquely American. Stopping by those wonky roadside attractions on the way to your destination may be more memorable than the destination itself. Who knew that ‘getting there’ could be so interesting?
  6. America is CLEAN: compared to far east countries like China and India, America is one of the cleanest nations in the world-don’t believe me? Take a look here. Yes, America still has a way to go to be even MORE clean, but I can confidently state that we as a country are doing pretty darn good.
  7. Free enterprise: America sets the gold standard in the world for free enterprise. What does that mean? Businesses can operate without interferement of government. So you can start a business without the government stopping you–with uncapped income potential. As long as you file your paperwork with the IRS each year, you can hit the ground running.
  8. The American Dream: what is this? Essentially, if you want something and work for it, you will achieve your goals. It also emphasizes the “grit” Americans have where we can create greatness in our lives, no matter how poorly our cards could be dealt.
  9. Invented the airplane: thanks to the Wright Brothers, we not only have a major industry that booms our economy, but also have a streamline way to travel far distances in the shortest amount of time. Could you imagine spending weeks on a ship to vacation in Europe? I can’t.
  10. Walked on the moon: What other country has? Espeicially with techology in the 1960s, this is an accomplishment that should be celebrated more.
  11. Having space: if you have visited anywhere outside the United States, you may have noticed that there are a lot of people in a small amount of area. Besides having high population densities in New York City, or Los Angeles, almost every city, town, neighborhood, or county has a generous amount of space between one another.
  12. The Interstate System: the United States Interstate Highway System was established in 1956 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to provide an fast and efficient way to travel across the country. Though now we may associate the interstate to be packed with rush hour traffic, or backups, it is crucial to not only travellers, but the economy as well. Other countries rely on rail systems for the distribution of goods, the United States predominantly utilizes the Interstate Highway System.
  13. America is a ‘melting pot’: Like I previously stated in point #3, the United States is immigrated the most to. With that being said, those immigrants bring along their cultures. From cuisine, to clothing, to celebrations, America is rich in diversity–more so than any other country in the world!
  14. Entertainment: America is the forefront of the entertainment industry. From New York City musicals, to Chicago comedy clubs, to Las Vegas shows, and Los Angeles’ motion picture industry, the United States has endless amounts of entertainment to offer to the world.
  15. Pie flavors: Frankly, apperently the United States is known to have the most flavors of pie than any other country.
  16. Summer Vacation: having a 90ish day long summer vacation is another uniquely American thing. For instance in Europe, most schools are in session year round!
  17. Yard/Garage Sales: we all love a good thrift/vintage find at a garage sale, or thrift shop. Seeing garage sale signs out on long weekends in the summer is the “norm” to us Americans, but to foreigners? Not so much.
  18. Freedom of Speech: though this may be the norm in many other countires today, Americans were some of the first to value the freedom of speech without prosecution from the government. Not having to worry about getting executed on the basis of critisizing the government is a priviledge we take for granted–and we should protect this right with all we have, no matter what side of the arguement you are on.
  19. Freedom of Clothing: Maybe not as much the men, but women have more societal rules on what clothing to wear. In America we are pretty casual. Leggings, shorts, tank tops, etc. are pretty normal. In some areas like the Middle East for example–women are expected to stay covered and/or wear plain clothing. Here, we can wear what we please and no one thinks twice!
  20. Marching Bands: isn’t it crazy to think that no other country does this? Who doesn’t want to dress up in a funky outfit and march down a small town street playing a rented instrument?

This list can easily be longer, but I don’t want to take too much of your time. However we are very fortunate to call this great nation our home. On that note, travel abroad at every chance you get. You will see how different we all are from one another, from government, to culture, to religion. The world is a beautiful place, but know that we as American’s have it best, and should be greatful for what we have.

-triple tea

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